XTOOL iOBD2 work fine on Focus 2010  

Write this review in a hurry and sorry for my screenshots, without too many skills. But i hope this can helps someone need mini OBDII scanner with Apple products, iPhone or iPad.

This is iOBD2 scanner i got from site here:


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Nearly $55 with free shipping.

Connect to the OBD port under the dashboard

Open the Settings on Apple iPAD

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Choose network- iOBD2

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Read the Static

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Open the iOBD2 application

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I use iobd2 3.1 version interface

Main menu includes: connection, diagnosis, my dashboard, performance test, settings, history

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Connection–> via WIFI

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Finish vehicle information, my model: Ford Focus 2010 2.5L petrol


Connection complete


Then i first read Vehicle information

Turn the key on and ignition off.

VIN, Calibration ID, Calibration ID Number display


go to my dashboard

Focus dashboard here

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What iOBD2 app display

Idle mode

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Cruise mode

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Sport mode

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Customer mode

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Then go to diagnosis

Diagnostic function list

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Choose trouble code, no trouble codes but pending codes there: P0420

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Clear trouble codes

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Back to read live data

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Here i read live data of O2S B1, S2

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Back to do O2 sensor test

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Both Bank 1 sensor 1 and bank 1 sensor 2 not supported!

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Back to freeze frame, no freeze frame data exist!

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Go to On board monitor test

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Test on Exhaust gas sensor monitor b1s1

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Test on Exhaust gas sensor monitor b1s2

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Choose Settings->system unit


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That’s all what i did with the iOBD2 interface on Focus!


(thanks Farid Louma to write this review. Many thanks)
